Discover How To Get Paid To Play The Lottery...Even If you never win!
Ten people are in a Player Pool and ten percent of all winnings get distributed to each pool member.
Director pools are a completely different structure.
As a director, you receive 50% of your own ticket winnings instead of the 10% Players get. You get 10% of all winnings on the rest of the tickets in your pool.
But how big is that pool?
This is going to sound impossible, but there is no limit.
Director’s start with a blank slate. You build your own pool by referring others to the program. You play on their lottery tickets every month and receive ten percent of all ticket winnings. You can refer both Directors and Players.
You have seen the first step to creating an unlimited pool size. Anyone and everyone you refer is in your pool. You play on their lottery tickets and receive ten percent of all winnings.
But wait a minute… that’s only 60%. Where do the rest of the lottery winnings go?
And here’s where it gets interesting.
Everyone who enrolls as a Director is going to want to build their pool. You saw how (from a width perspective) there is no limit to pool size. Now let’s look at depth. For the sake of example, suppose you only enrolled five people and stopped. You could enroll many more, or even less, and most people consistently refer others, but let’s use this as an example. If those five went out and did the same thing, they would have five people under them. You would have the five you enrolled under you and twenty five under them. You play on those twenty five tickets too.
Here’s what happens when this scenario duplicates itself five levels deep:
When five enroll five, you have 25 on level two.
When 25 enroll five, you have 125 on level three.
When 125 enroll five, you have 625 on level four.
When 625 enroll five, you have 3,125 on level five.
Add it all up and it comes to 3,905 people in your pool.
You would play on and additional 31,240 MegaMillions lottery tickets every month and an additional 54,670 Powerball tickets if you and all of them were Gold. The cost do that yourself exceeds $170,000. Your odds would also be substantially improved. Yet, your cost would not exceed your monthly membership fee, and at this point, you would be making a substantial monthly income even if every ticket in the pool was a worthless loser. If any of them win anything, you get ten percent (plus 50% of your own winnings).
Many people still don’t get it and ask how it’s possible to pay 3,905 people ten percent, so let’s clear that up.Your pool is 3,905 people but each winning ticket in your pool pays six people, one of which will be you.
You saw how you got paid a million dollars on a ten million dollar jackpot, but look at it in reverse:
If your numbers hit a $10 million jackpot, you get $5 million. One million gets paid to the person who referred you. One million gets paid to the person who referred that person. This continues until the chain of 5 who referred you each receive a million dollars. In other words, you are always playing on every ticket in your pool. You will always get paid on winning tickets, but there are only 6 people who will play on a single ticket and get paid.
That should clear it up.
Players in your Director Pool are two levels deep instead of five. This is where the other 20% of Player Pool winnings get paid out. Ten percent goes to the eight people in the pool. The ninth person in the pool is the Director who referred the Player with the winning ticket. The tenth person is the Director who referred that Director.
As a Director, your pool is five levels deep on all other Directors and two levels deep on all Players.
At the lowest level of Bronze Director, you play in all California Super Lotto drawings. If you have Directors or Players at higher levels in your pool, you only share in their California Super Lotto tickets.
As a Silver Director, you play on all MegaMillions drawings. If you have Gold Players or Directors under you any Powerball winnings go to the next active Gold Director.
Gold Director is the ultimate WealthPerx Position. You play on everything in your entire pool.
Back to the example:
A pool started with five Gold Directors, which duplicated itself five levels deep plays on $124,960 worth of lottery tickets every month.
That is something impossible to do on your own. Look at the power of leverage here, from both a financial perspective and odds increasing.
But wait... It Gets Better, Much Better…
As a Director you also get paid on every single person whose tickets you are playing on, even if they lose! How much?
You get paid half the membership fee (up to your level of membership), every single month, on every Director you enroll. This means all you need to do is refer two directors at or above your level of membership and you get a FREE ride! Everything over that is money in your pocket.
Silver, and Gold Director positions are $120, and $280 per month, respectively.
If you are a Silver Director and enroll two Silver Directors, your commission of $120 ($60 from each) offsets your membership fee. The company will simply not bill you at this point and pay out any excess.
If you are a Silver Director and enroll two Gold Directors, your commission still totals $120 ($60 for each). Your membership is now free. If you were Gold instead, your commission would be $280 which makes it free. It would be silly to stay at this level since either position is now FREE. Why miss out on higher payouts, or even worse, have a Powerball jackpot pass you by?
You can always upgrade or downgrade at any point by contacting the company. Keep in mind, changes do not occur until the following month.
Let’s look at the entire pay plan:
On Level one, you get paid half the membership fee on all directors.
On levels two through five, you get paid $4 each on Silver Directors, and $8 each on Gold Directors.
On level one you are also paid $6 for each Silver Player, and $12 for each Gold Player.
On level two you are also paid $2 for each Silver Player, and $4 for each Gold Player.
Now, go back to the lottery pool example where you saw how you could be playing on 31,240 MegaMillion lottery tickets, plus your own…
You Get Paid $7,950 Each Month, Even if Every Ticket is a Worthless Loser!
If that pool were all Gold Members, your check would be over $30,000!
These examples illustrate what’s possible, but this is certain:
Once you enroll two Directors at or above your level of membership, you are playing the lottery FOR FREE.
Anything beyond that increases lottery odds and your monthly income.
Is that amazing or what?
The Company Director's Jackpot Pool
Over the years, many Directors expressed concern that when starting out, the only person in their pool is themselves, and wondered why we couldn’t assign them a pool and let them build their own with the company’s compensation plan.
As you can determine from reading thus far, that would be mathematically impossible. However, we came up with a creative solution.
In addition to the benefits of building your own pool, being paid 50% of your own ticket winnings, 10% of winnings on everyone else in your pool, and referral commissions on the pool you build,
Gold Directors will automatically be entered into a MegaMillions Company-Wide Jackpot only pool.
All Gold Directors will be split into even divisions from a company standpoint and play on an additional eight tickets in every MegaMillions drawing every month. If your additional pool numbers hit a jackpot, you get 1% of the winnings. Since jackpots start out at $20 million, that’s a $200,000 payout. When they are over $100 million (and they frequently are) the payout will be over $1 million dollars each to everyone in the pool block. This is so all Gold Directors will ALWAYS be playing on more tickets than their own for a chance at big winnings.
This is a bonus add-on to the Gold Director position with no takeaways from existing benefits and no additional cost. As a Gold Director, you are entered into this pool regardless of the size of your
own pool.